Help Bellyful NZ fill bellies this winter!

Charity Feature:

It is no secret that families all around New Zealand have experienced financial and mental distress during the Covid-19 Lockdown.

Families with young children with illnesses have struggled to support them as they have not been at work, placing stress and hardship in their everyday lives.

Bellyful was ‘born’ out the desire to see families supported by their fellow community members. The Bellyful team cook and delivers meals to families with new-born babies who are struggling with illness where there is no family or social support.

Since the onset of the level 4 lockdown in New Zealand, Bellyful has experienced a 30% drop in revenue. This is due to the fact they have had to cancel many of their fundraising events. As a response to this, Bellyful have kickstarted a “Bake for Bellyful” initiative that aims to get kiwi communities all around New Zealand baking!

Happy baby with mum Bellful LogoBellyful team cooking


Ways you can help:

  • Donating $10 can provide a few jars of pasta sauce
  • Donating $25 will feed a family for three nights
  • Donating ingredients such as cheese or pasta
  • Baking something yummy to donate to families in need!


** Thank you Wellington Chamber of Commerce. Their team donated $1000 to Bellyful NZ. This donation was made up of their Pre-Budget Address audience contributions, a contribution from Deloitte, and contribution from the Wellington Chamber of Commerce. This donation will go a long way in supplying food to families post Covid-19 lockdown.